Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday morning hyggge


It’s Sunday morning.

I feel good.  I feel focused.

My cats are happy and well-fed.

My house is clean.

The love of my life is enjoying a few extra hours in bed where the corduroy comforter and big, fluffy cat keep her warm from the late September morning breeze coming in from the curtained window.

I’ve just filled out my 2024 Presidential election ballot

Where I voted for Jill Stein/Green party for the first time,

And it feels like a declaration of independence from my own country.

Today I will tend the garden,

Go to the hardware store for supplies,

Build things around the house,

Make art and strive towards making it professional,

And tonight Katy will make dinner.

I’ve already meditated early this morning,

And plan on doing oil pulling, flossing, wearing my retainers, and working out in my home gym.

It’s a good life,

Yet war threatens from almost every side.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A case for meditation


Journaling, therapy…

Our out-of-control country’s trajectory collided with out-of-control technology rise/flood, and now we are addicted to our screens at the same time injustices and inequalities are systemic and the status quo is maintained by the powerful gaslighting the masses.  Our screens are exposing the horrors of the world, a pipeline feeding directly into our brains, spewing junk and truth alike, at a pace we’re incapable of processing.  It’s become nearly impossible to get away and find peace of mind, clear thought.  It is enough to make anyone go crazy and though journaling and therapy can help some (meditation and exercise are probably better at this point), the reality is that our humanity is teetering.  Our souls are being stretched thin, our way of life becoming more at odds with the planet.  The reality is that currently, during my life time, right now! is a pivotal part in human history, for better or worse.  We can feel that change in the air.  And it is important to breathe, and to notice, and to accept reality, accept change.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Conversations with God




Why?  Everything is at your fingertips.


Right…  Well…  Not everything is perfect.  Fuck you. 


Small stresses.


What would you know?  You don’t know me.  You don’t know where my head is at.


What if I did though?  What if I knew exactly where your head is at, where your thoughts come from, where your heart lies?  What if I could prove it to you?  Upon hearing me speak your inner-most thoughts, would you submit?  Would you acknowledge that I know you, Alex Johnson, better than you know yourself?  Would you allow me to guide you.




“Sure.”  How passive, and disbelieving. 


Look, I do ok.  I work, I pay rent, I exercise, eat fairly well, hang out with friends, and make people smile. 


But you just said you were miserable.  You’re backtracking.  You’re scared.  You’re scared that I might actually be a power greater than you.


It’s like death though, isn’t it?  We all know it’s inevitable, and even if we sometimes think it might just be better to end it all, we almost always fight against it at the last minute.  Is that fear?  Or is that just basic human will?  Forgive me for saying this, but, and again, fuck you.


You would like me to commend you on your resilience, your independence, your self-reliance.  Your scars are noted, but no points are awarded for how you’ve managed to survive despite them. 


That’s a little harsh.


You just said “Fuck you” to me.


I mean that I’m just “surviving”.  Haven’t I been living a good life?


Well, you did just say you’re miserable.


I--  what do you want?  I’m having a bad day.  I have some shit on my mind.


And do you realize how small these things are?


What?!  I don’t know where I’m going to live in 4 weeks, I’m losing money at work, I am abusing the emotions of 2 different women for my own sexual gratification-


-You don’t know how to care for your sick mother, you’re tired of all your friends, you’ve lost your joy in life.  And oh yes, you’re upset about your new bicycle’s flat tire.  Yes, I know.  I told you: I know your soul.


So, what do you want?


I want you to acknowledge that I am a power greater than you.  I want you to let go of your tough idea of your ‘self’ and become a vessel for me.  I want you to listen, to be faithful, to use your strengths towards a Larger Plan that is good.

Friday, July 5, 2024

First day at the new job!


It’s my first day of work at a new job!


I know I interviewed and was clear about me being part of this company beforehand, but I now can’t explain what my actual job and responsibilities are.


The office is super progressive/modern/creative.  There’s cube pods and offices, but the building is huge and there’s all these different themes for different sections.  Sometimes it looks like a tree house, sometimes a nightclub, sometimes a ship/pirate ship, sometimes a sketchy horror basement.  But always still office space.


I’m introduced to a few other employees, one of them is in my cube pod.  I forget all their names immediately.  Their jobs sound technical.  The coworker in my cube pod is young and kind-looking but he’s clearly been there for a while and focus’ back on his work after we’re introduced.


I sit at my desk and realize my family must have snuck in before I arrived and hastily put up a bunch of pictures and shit to make my cube feel more loved/like home.  But all the pictures are blurry and they’re in very large frames.  Really, no place for them in an office cube.  I’m embarrassed and take them all down.  Then I notice that they must’ve also put some files on my computer because there’s already some embarrassing personal shit on the screen, along with the standard company files and icons.  I’m having a hard time removing the personal files and instead try to get to work.  But there’s no clear button to get into my company email.  I forget what my job is entirely.  I fumble around on the computer and notice that everyone else in this very interesting-looking company is hard at work.


Vanessa stops by my cube!  She’s the one that got me this job.  She’s super high up in the company.  She comes over with her big, lovely smile happy to see me at my new post.  But then immediately after we greet each other, she realizes I haven’t yet begun to get any work done.  She is astounded and reminds me how I interviewed and wanted this job and that I was here to work, not goof off.  I try to calmly say I’ve not been instructed how to log in to my email but she implies I shouldn’t need hand holding and that I should just begin the job I was hired to do.  She walks away miffed.


I look around but everyone has their head buried in their computers or are talking about work in groups around the office space.


A young woman is trying to get my attention.  She’s not an employee.  I think she’s some kind of rep or salesperson or service tech.  I tell her I can’t help her and turn back to my computer.

My dad appears out of nowhere, sitting across my desk.  He’s got long hair and a moustache and is peacocking on my desk like he’s a slinky lounge singer on a piano.  What are you doing here?!  He tries to reach for me in a playful, cocky way but I shy away.  Why is my family so weird?!  Get out of here, this is my first day!  He leaves.

I get up from my chair and walk around a bit, looking for clues as to what the company is/does and hopefully a friendly face that can offer some assistance.  The young sales rep is back and nagging me.  I find a back room with trash bags stuffed with paper shreddings and go face-plant into a few of them.  I’m having a meltdown.  I wave the sales rep away, “just a few minutes, I need a few minutes”.  After I feel like I’ve calmed down some, I emerge and she is still there asking about a technical issue.  I’m walking and see one of the people I was first introduced to.  “That’s who you want to talk to/that’s who can help you” I say without remembering the coworkers name, and I slip around a corner before the coworker even knows what’s happening.  The rep stays with him.


I go back to my desk and try again to get into my email but notice that now the desktop background has changed.  There are all new files and icons on the screen.  There’s still some files/folders that are clearly not work related and I try to clear them away.  Then I realize that my screen is actually being projected onto the big screen over my entire cube section!  I am mortified when I realize one of the folders I’m struggling to clear is titled ‘Sexy Stuff’.  I desperately try to delete these files and hope that no one is looking at the big screen.


I get up to walk around again, this time desperate for someone to offer some help.  As I walk around more I can see how big the space is.  There are so many different themes of rooms; there’s break rooms where people are still talking about work but in a cool, casual setting, there’s stairways and diagonals, hard to get to sections, and endless corners that lead to more interesting office spaces.

Finally I decide on a somewhat older (about my age in a company that consists of mostly 20 and 30-somethings) man talking to another employee.  I apologize and interrupt.  “I was just wondering if you had a quick moment to help me with a small problem?”  He turns to me, somewhat amused but also expectant as he was in the middle of a productive work conversation.  “Do you know how I can log into my email, or… what my job is here?”  The man is stunned by my questions but without losing a second begins walking away talking with the other employee.  I overhear him saying something about the president of the company.  I catch up to them and say, “wait- are you the president of the company?!”  He replies by saying yes, and he’s on TV so… (how did you not know who I am?).  I apologize and humbly ask if he could at least give me some advice.  He says just start doing your job and then he walks away.


Everyone seems to be looking at me funny as I walk around.  I’m dressed normal and even have a company lanyard/nametag hanging around my neck, so I don’t understand why people are giving me the stink eye.  If I try to talk to anyone they barely respond and shy away like I’m a creep or contagious.


Once or twice my shirt comes off.  At first I don’t think about it; it’s warm and if a wind somehow pulled it off me, I’m comfortable going chesty.  But then I realize how inappropriate that is for an office space and put it back on.  This happens a few times.


I walk around and around, now I’m trying to ask anyone that will look at me if they know Vanessa and where her office is.  I’m surprised that of the few people that actually talk to me no one has heard of her.


After going through what seems to be most of the office spaces, I decide to take a path down to the sketchy horror basement section.  There’s an office with three employees squatting around a pile of raw chicken meat, eating it by the handful.  I stare in disgust and horror.  Isn’t that dangerous?  “It’s perfectly fine,” they reply.  “It’s our favorite.  So is (human) arms.”  Did they just say they eat human arm?  They’re cannibals?!  I hurry out of the sketchy horror area.


People look so disgusted in me.  Why?! Why, I ask.  But the employees can’t give me logical answers, they all just notice something different and apparently poisonous in me. 


I decide to call Vanessa but the numbers on my flip phone are all messed up.  As I fumble to dial, I realize I’ve stopped in the hallway of a very busy and productive company.  I’m loitering and causing a disturbance in the flow.  Finally I’m able to dial Vanessa.  Where are you, I ask.  “I’m in the hallway wing in the upper right,” she replies.  “’The upper right’?!  Is that near the cafĂ©, the tree house, the club, the cannibals section??  Where??”  She doesn’t appreciate my tone and becomes very vague and distant and eventually the connection is lost. 


And there I am.  It’s getting late in the day and I decide it’s time to leave.  To flee, to escape really.  I’m in a small car with a friendly bird sitting on the hood and a big friendly cat running alongside of us.  The path we’re on is on the bank of a river, but then it somehow becomes its own raised path over the water as it splits down the center of the widening river.  Something from the company begins to chase us.  The big cat realizes that the best way to go is into the mainland and before the path splits far away from the shore it jumps for the bank and runs inland into the trees.  My car is in motion and now it can’t turn around on the narrow path.  Whatever is chasing us is getting closer.  The bird leaps from the hood of the car and takes flight to freedom, leaving me alone.  I am driving but wondering why, and for how long I’ll continue this futile escape attempt before being caught.


And then I wake up.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Lies Abound


To a certain degree this country was founded on a lie and lives on a bubble, and so I’ve decided to live and perceive my life as a counterpoint.

We stole land from native Americans, and shipped in slaves to build the economy.  None of this we actually earned, we just took it.  (Damn, if the story of America doesn’t sound like something that could be in the Bible).  So we have this giant economy, New York being the financial center of the world, but we’re in how many trillions of dollars in debt?  As a culture, we’re encouraged to use credit cards and rack up debt as long as you regularly pay it off (with interest!) because that builds “good credit”.  The Pro-Palestine/Divest from Israel protests are starting to peel back the curtain on some of the absurdities of the strength of the American dollar.  And now the American Dream in the form of being able to put in a few years of good, hard, honest work to afford a house and family is gone.  Out of reach for such an unfortunately number of people. 

And here’s my response: I’m going to spend my money, the little that I have, on a life that makes me happy now.  Not one of lavish vacations that are merely brief escapes from a dreadful work life.  I choose to spend my money, time, and energy on living a fun, full life of love right now.  Today.  I have next to zero plan for any idea of “retirement”, my current work only occasionally bringing in enough to cover my monthly expenses.  The rate that I’m dipping into savings/inheritance is staggering, it will all be gone in about 2 years.  But I’m happy, and happy in the face of a world that seems to be on fire in every corner.  I am able to support Katy, in ways that rarely have anything to do with money, because I have the time and energy.  I’m able to take care of my mom, stay in shape, make an incredible amount of food at home for our house and others, and work on creative projects all because I’m living a lie.  Katy and I lucked out on finding this beautiful, huge house, and then couldn’t believe at how generous John has been as a landlord.  Our rent started out very cheap and he hasn’t raised it a single time.  So we’re able to pretend that this house is ours, this backyard is ours, and live in a oasis in the middle of a neighborhood/country that is in shambles. 

Would a financial advisor say this is a good idea?  No.  But I hate how financial literacy and stability is the default mentality that you’re supposed to assume is synonymous with ‘being an adult’.  Of course my perspective is short-sighted, and there’s a strong chance that it won’t take too much of a blow to completely knock me (and Katy with me) off my feet.  But that’s kind of the point.  To live in the now can be applied to your financial life as well as your social life.  And that I leave myself vulnerable to a roided out monster of a system, well, yeah.  It doesn’t matter if I’m wearing armor or not.  When and if it becomes my time to face it, I’ll be able to do so with a clear mind and a full heart. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rape and Irreverence.


Trump was just found guilty of rape, and then defamation of his rape victim.  And he also was just found guilty of massive fraud, and the two suits have brought hundreds of millions of dollars in fines against him.  And immediately afterwards, he launched his Trump Sneakers.  Boutique “collector’s edition”, Trump-branded, shiny, gold, athletic sneakers.  Unreal.  I was wondering if it would be possible to plant a seed of doubt in the sea of Trumpers using this as a turning point.  Do some of them think Trump’s antics become a little silly after a certain point?  Like, aren’t some of them actually supporting him in earnest for his positions on issues and not just hopping on the bachelorette cycle-bus belting out songs down Broadway in Nashville?  And the answer is no, I don’t think this would plant any seeds of doubt in their minds.  Because supporting Trump is like a highschool party when the parents are out of town.  People love the ride and the opportunity to belligerently yell “Fuck You!” in the face of anyone attempting to break it up.  Even the intelligent, level-headed Trumpers still appreciate/enjoy the ridiculousness of his position of power.  They worship his irreverence. 

The Value of Money


If money isn’t working for you, you’re fucked.  Last year my cousin’s sister-in-law Ruth strangled her kid and then tried (unsuccessfully) to kill herself because she was stressed about the family’s finances and didn’t want her son to have to grow up with money hardships.  The family had just sold their second house, so they weren’t going to be feeling much hardship at all for quite a while, but that was her head space that fateful night.  I just got off the phone with a rep from my managed Fidelity account and he couldn’t stress enough how quickly I’m headed for ruin if I keep transferring money out of the account.  And the first feeling after I hung up the phone was something shockingly empathetic to Ruth’s notion.  Super fucked up.  I don’t mean strangling kids, but how the feeling of life’s worth and the value of our purpose is tied up in the money you’re currently burning to stay warm at night.