Thursday, December 21, 2017

Highlights (and lowlights) of 2017

-1-man broadway play, NYC, blew my mind
-difficult breakup
-trip down to FL for Doug and Susan’s wedding, and to help Brett move apartments
-hanging out with Dolo and the Guerreros
-5 year old Valentina attempts to cut me a mohawk!
-volunteering at Philadelphia's center for the Blind & Visually Impaired
-improv class with Jesse Jeffs
-Mark passed away
-The Cash Registers in concert
-motorcycle out to the shore to hang with Arlene
-motorcycle out to Harrisburg to hang with cousin Candy
-shot 4 different handguns, an assault rifle, and a shotgun
-Mason’s baptism/became a Godfather
-summer weekend in Wildwood with Lauren
-Chris Cornell passed away
-last rides with the Nighthawk/sold my first and only motorcycle
-Royal Blood in concert
-trip to Chicago to checkout the city and Lauren
-KZak’s wedding in NH
-Union game with Chris and Noel
-Arlene passed away
-Harley Davidson 2,100 mile road trip 
-Olivia’s wedding weekend in Nashville
-dug out of YEARS of accumulated piles of notes and junk
-Shilpa Ray in concert!
-progress in forgiveness in relationships
-progress in personal finance
-progress in writing
-delicious (and tons of) food and fun with family through the holidays
-annual struggle to stay positive through the cold winter