Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday morning hyggge


It’s Sunday morning.

I feel good.  I feel focused.

My cats are happy and well-fed.

My house is clean.

The love of my life is enjoying a few extra hours in bed where the corduroy comforter and big, fluffy cat keep her warm from the late September morning breeze coming in from the curtained window.

I’ve just filled out my 2024 Presidential election ballot

Where I voted for Jill Stein/Green party for the first time,

And it feels like a declaration of independence from my own country.

Today I will tend the garden,

Go to the hardware store for supplies,

Build things around the house,

Make art and strive towards making it professional,

And tonight Katy will make dinner.

I’ve already meditated early this morning,

And plan on doing oil pulling, flossing, wearing my retainers, and working out in my home gym.

It’s a good life,

Yet war threatens from almost every side.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A case for meditation


Journaling, therapy…

Our out-of-control country’s trajectory collided with out-of-control technology rise/flood, and now we are addicted to our screens at the same time injustices and inequalities are systemic and the status quo is maintained by the powerful gaslighting the masses.  Our screens are exposing the horrors of the world, a pipeline feeding directly into our brains, spewing junk and truth alike, at a pace we’re incapable of processing.  It’s become nearly impossible to get away and find peace of mind, clear thought.  It is enough to make anyone go crazy and though journaling and therapy can help some (meditation and exercise are probably better at this point), the reality is that our humanity is teetering.  Our souls are being stretched thin, our way of life becoming more at odds with the planet.  The reality is that currently, during my life time, right now! is a pivotal part in human history, for better or worse.  We can feel that change in the air.  And it is important to breathe, and to notice, and to accept reality, accept change.