Monday, December 16, 2013

A Vision of Communion, Part 1

Allow yourself to imagine…

You’re entering into the main hallway of an enormous palace.  You’re walking on a red carpet, looking up at the 40ft. ceilings.  On the walls beside you are ornate decorations, paintings, fixtures, and sculptures.  You are led around the corner into the Great Room, and it’s a massive space; marble columns, gold furnishings, hanging tapestries, and an atmosphere that is too vast to even allow an echo.  On the opposite side of the room, almost too far to see clearly, sit a King and Queen in thrones built for giants;  dark mahogany wood and deep velvety cushions.  You are expected to approach the King and Queen, but the nearer you draw, the more difficult it is to move your legs!  “I have no business in the presence of a King and Queen,” you think. “I am but a pauper.  I don’t even deserve to be in this room!”

But that’s not how it goes, is it?
Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof….

Now, imagine your house.  Your shack.  Outside the castle walls, it is raining lightly, and has been for weeks.  The mud is thick and smells awful.  There are cracks in between your door and roof, between your roof and walls.  A draft blows through them and threatens to put out the meager fire heating up a pot of water and chicken bones.  Your children, God bless them, are quietly playing in the corner, patiently awaiting their supper of broth and bread.
There’s a murmur outside.  Over the pitter-pat of rain on your shack’s tin roof, you can hear people calling and remarking.  What is all this commotion?  It’s getting louder and closer.  Then, a knock on your door!  The door is opened and standing in the doorway is one of the royal guards.  He steps aside and just behind him, in mud up to their silk socks, stand the King and Queen!  Their long robes, red, gold, purple, and indigo, their shiny jewels, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, even the full color of their own skin, all stand out against the gray and sunken backdrop of your front entrance.  “The King and Queen plan on coming in?!” you think.  “To my ugly shack??  But.. but.. we haven’t cleaned! We barely have any food to offer! The roof may not even be tall enough for them to enter!”  Yet the King and Queen duck their heads through the doorway and come inside.  You and your spouse drop to your knees, but the King and Queen take your hands and rise you up.  They are smiling, looking into your eyes like.. like they know you.  Like… they love you…

How incredible is it that God comes to us rather than waiting for us to come to him?  In our lowliness, poverty, and dirt, God still meets us where we are and lovingly calls us to a better life. God will stand in the rain and stinking mud for us.  And don’t think that God ‘can’t smell’ the stinking mud in this analogy.  His nose smells better than yours and mine and to patiently wait for us in it is no small feat.  God is knocking at our flimsy, tin door, and inviting us to feast with Him in his palace.  All we need to do is allow Him into our lives and follow Him to Salvation…

Next time…
Leaving the shack and trudging through the mud is much easier said than done.  Boots gets stuck and yanked off.  It smells. You get tired.  You slip. You look back and think how easily you could slide back down the hill right into and through the front door of your shack…

“Yeah, but I didn’t ask for this.  I didn’t ask for you to stand in the mud for me!  I’m fine- just leave me alone.  I like my dirt.  What would you know anyway?- you live in a golden palace!”
…to be continued…

Friday, December 13, 2013

What Cross Do I Bear?

I have not been practicing what I believe in.  I have been giving in to the temptation of lust at the slightest distraction, not allowing God to help me through prayer, and yet still preaching and pretending to understand chastity.  I have become a slave to my desires.  God, please forgive me, I am a wretch.  My confessions have been not much more than dogma, my prayers a chore until an acceptable amount of time has passed.  I am filled with pride, Lord, cut me down.  The Devil has become my good friend; offering ephemeral entertainment and pleasure whenever I am still.
            Tony Robbins talks about the first step in change and taking control is being honest with the reality of your current situation.  Here is my honest reality: I have been a spineless worm, a fluttering leaf in the wind, a man with no substance.  (I can hear a friendly voice saying, “you’re being too hard on yourself…” as I write these lines now)  It is true, I have not held tight to my Rock of Truth.  How can anyone be confident in the everyday decisions they make if the person is not first tethered to a Steadfast Source.  My unmoving Mover, I want to come back to You.  In my days, I encounter small distractions, temptations, frustrations, and boredom, and my good friend The Devil knows just how to convert these into sin for me.  Of course Christ is there with open arms saying, “But these are lies!  Look at these distractions, temptations, frustrations, and boredom in the Light of Truth, in the Glory and Love of My Plan”.  Lord, you are too kind and gentle for a blockhead like me to heed sometimes!  Let your love be like a thorn in my shoe, Lord God. 
What cross do I bear?  What battle do I fight?  Modern man is a pampered and privileged creature and there is little we need to do in order to maintain our role as ‘men’ in society.  Yet how I fail even still.  I can continue on, but without You God, where am I really going?  There may be small graces in my days, but when I finally cry out to you in desperation, I may then be too far away from You to get any instantaneous response.  Oh Lord, my words and thoughts of You can be as fluffy and poetic as a cloud, but The Devil seems to place much more tangible ‘goals’ in my view: a pair of tight jeans, a whiff of sweet smoke, an endless sea of mindless YouTube…

It is time for us to kill this whispering Lizard (see "The Great Divorce" by C.S.Lewis).  I have allowed him to grow quite large, Lord, and suspect that the strength required for its fatal blow may also graze me.  It may even maim me.  I tell you this now, Lord: I am ready.  Kill it.  If I get hurt in the process, let me rest in the faith of Your Undying Love for me.

            I am a man. I am a man made in God’s image, a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I stand for and will fight for my beliefs.  I acknowledge that I am weak and easily persuaded to stray from my beliefs and will therefore be all the more alert of even the beginnings of temptations.  I will devote myself wholeheartedly to God through powerful prayer.  I will research how lustful temptations work on people to better understand my Enemy.  I will think about this battle of will and faith as an actual war.  I am a soldier, currently soft and green, but eager for training.  I have the tools and the Teacher to succeed.  There will be times when it will hurt and I will suffer.  These are the times that I will prove my manhood. God, this is when I will need your armor and I will trust that you will carry me through the night.  When The Devil tells me he’s got a good idea, this will be my battleground and my finest hour!