Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rape and Irreverence.


Trump was just found guilty of rape, and then defamation of his rape victim.  And he also was just found guilty of massive fraud, and the two suits have brought hundreds of millions of dollars in fines against him.  And immediately afterwards, he launched his Trump Sneakers.  Boutique “collector’s edition”, Trump-branded, shiny, gold, athletic sneakers.  Unreal.  I was wondering if it would be possible to plant a seed of doubt in the sea of Trumpers using this as a turning point.  Do some of them think Trump’s antics become a little silly after a certain point?  Like, aren’t some of them actually supporting him in earnest for his positions on issues and not just hopping on the bachelorette cycle-bus belting out songs down Broadway in Nashville?  And the answer is no, I don’t think this would plant any seeds of doubt in their minds.  Because supporting Trump is like a highschool party when the parents are out of town.  People love the ride and the opportunity to belligerently yell “Fuck You!” in the face of anyone attempting to break it up.  Even the intelligent, level-headed Trumpers still appreciate/enjoy the ridiculousness of his position of power.  They worship his irreverence. 

The Value of Money


If money isn’t working for you, you’re fucked.  Last year my cousin’s sister-in-law Ruth strangled her kid and then tried (unsuccessfully) to kill herself because she was stressed about the family’s finances and didn’t want her son to have to grow up with money hardships.  The family had just sold their second house, so they weren’t going to be feeling much hardship at all for quite a while, but that was her head space that fateful night.  I just got off the phone with a rep from my managed Fidelity account and he couldn’t stress enough how quickly I’m headed for ruin if I keep transferring money out of the account.  And the first feeling after I hung up the phone was something shockingly empathetic to Ruth’s notion.  Super fucked up.  I don’t mean strangling kids, but how the feeling of life’s worth and the value of our purpose is tied up in the money you’re currently burning to stay warm at night.