Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December Daily Writing Project: December 13

December 13-
What’s the stupidest thing you used to believe whole-heartedly?

When I was very young, I was polite in my unsuredness.  I allowed other people to speak up and argue over me, comfortable with myself being small and in the background.  But one day, I remember trying to be more assertive, voicing my 6yr old opinion on a situation, and I was met with positive feedback.  I can’t remember if my opinion had any affect on the discussion at hand, but I felt rewarded and accomplished that I had spoken out and made my voice heard.  There and then, I resolved to always speak up and give my opinion whenever possible.  This may have been the stupidest thing I used to believe whole-heartedly.
As I’ve gotten older, I realize more and more that most people just need to shut the fuck up.  90% of the things we say on a daily basis are wastes of breath.  People complain about their phones, their friends, their rent, their jobs.  People mumble through nonsensical drunken conversations, and then retell the tale the next day.  People spew out the inconsequential minutia of their day to poor souls that have agreed to listen.  It makes you question what type of progress we might be able to achieve if we just stopped yapping about ourselves and listened to the quiet whispers of God.  How might we live if we were actually interested in learning from each other, in remaining in the light of Truth, in setting our minds and hearts on a Greater Purpose? 

Now, I don’t mean that activists or policy makers shouldn’t stop fighting for good causes.  In the right setting, of course conversation and debate can be a good and healthy thing.  But, the majority of our daily verbal output is just nonsense that fills up our mental capacity like dough in a stomach.  No substance or nutrients.  Just carbs. 

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