Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December Daily Writing Project: December 11

December 11-
Open your medicine cabinet.  Catalog every pill, ointment, and product.  What conditions do they treat and how does the whole lot add up to a statement about your mortality?

Deodorant, cologne (multiple), ibuprofen, Tylenol, daily vitamins, fish oil capsules, adderall, toothpaste (2 kinds), mouthwash, rubbing alcohol, Gold Bond powder, bug spray, sun block, after-sun aloe, disposable razors, condoms, band aids & First Aid kit, cough drops (2 kinds), Thera-Flu packets, Aquaphor, Sudafed, Benadryl, Tenactin

Well, let’s see… What does this say about my mortality?!  Interesting…  Hmm…
It actually doesn’t look great.  Ha!  This is revealing itself as a loaded prompt, but here goes…
My medicine cabinet seems to be saying that I’m taking life for granted.  First off- I’m not sure I’ve ever used the sun block, but have definitely used plenty of the after-sun aloe after I’ve gotten many an irresponsible sunburn.  The adderall (not prescribed) and the multi-vitamins both indicate that I’m trying to get a quick fix in a pill versus actually putting in the work towards better health and productivity.  The Aquaphor is for tattoo treatment and the cologne is for attracting girls- both fairly vain endeavors.  I guess the cold medicines seem innocent enough, but admittedly I take them in excess at the slightest hint of a cold, hating the idea of not being in optimal health.  And the condoms serve as a pretty obvious metaphor of taking life for granted.

Yep.  Again though, I think this is a pretty loaded prompt.  What typical things in a medicine cabinet point towards positive things?  A medicine cabinet is for emergencies, morning breath, and hangovers.

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